Firearms Sales and Service - Remington and Browing!

Remington modern rimfire guns lead the way in accuracy and reliability, while the classic pump-action and autoloaders deliver timeless precision of the highest level. Browning too offers real-world reliability with all of their rifles and shotguns. Ask about the new Tikka Rifles for ultimate accuracy!

Superior Lawn Mowers and Snow Blowers - Toro!

Toro’s unique braking system on their sit-on lawn mowers automatically stops the mower deck and sets the parking brake while keeping the engine running when you need to get off and on. Their top line of snow blowers allow for smooth, tight turning without pulling or strain. From decks to driveways, Toro has you covered!

Reliability and Power - Mercruiser / Mercury Motors!

Nobody makes a more reliable, powerful, and efficient lineup of outboard motors than Mercury. The ultimate combination of smooth and quiet operation, refined power, and effortless control. For boaters and fishermen alike to who don't settle for second best! Choose Mercury or Mercruiser for speed and high performance!

The Best in Fisher Gear - Fresh and Saltwater Fishing!

Anglers extend their reach and leverage with a good light weight fishing rod that is important in attracting and landing big fish. Combined with the a professional grade reel with the proper hooks and line, you are sure to have the best spin casting or flying fishing experience this fishing season!

Welcome to Bras d'Or Recreation & Marine!

We are a Sporting Goods Store in Little Bras d'Or, Cape Breton, dealing in tops lines of Hunting, Fishing, and Boating Supplies. Some of the products you can find at Bras d'Or Marine are Archery, Crossbows, Tree Stands, Firearms, Snowblowers, Generators, Canoes, Scopes, Outboard Motors, Targets, Hunting Apparel, Hunting Footwear, Ammunition, Recreational Boats, Binoculars, Motor Oils, as well as most other Marine and Recreational supplies.

Firearms, Scopes, Ammunition

Firearms, Scopes, Ammunition
Major brands of guns, scopes and ammunition! Don't forget to checkout our Hunting Apparel and Footwear available now at Bras d'Or Recreation and Marine.

Fishing Rods, Reels, Hooks, Line

Fishing Rods, Reels, Hooks, Line
Choose from all the top lines of fishing rods, hooks, reels, and line from Bras d'Or Recreation and Marine in Bras d'Or Cape Breton.

Boats, Outboard Motors

Boats, Outboard Motors
Check out our full line of boats for recreation, fishing and hunting at Bras d'Or Recreation and Marine in Cape Breton.

Top Brands at Bras d'Or Recreation & Marine

Some of the top brands carried by Bras d'Or Recreation and Marine are Remington, Browning, Princecraft, Mercury, Mercruiser, Tikka, Bowtech, PSE, Excalibur, Generac, and Toro. Drop in to our shop located at 201 Villa Dr, Little Bras d’Or, Cape Breton To Find Out More 902-736-0849